Sunday, 01 March 2020 / Published in Kabbalah FAQ

“Ein Sof” is the Name of G-od that is the most used in the Kabbalah. His light is perfect, and cannot be measured by any definition or limiting terms. If we think about definitions, we introduce a notion of limit, or absence of its opposite. Being ourselves distinct separate beings, we cannot grasp the concept of the “non-distinct”. Everything we know is finite, by having a measure or an opposite.

We therefore use the name “Ein Sof” (without limit) since we know and admit that G-od and the concept of limitlessness or without end is beyond our human comprehension.

Sunday, 01 March 2020 / Published in Kabbalah FAQ

The Kabbalah is the mystical and esoteric explanation of the Torah. All the profound secrets explained in the Kabbalah, are alluded in the letters, words and different stories narrated in the Torah.

The Torah contains four levels of comprehension, of which the highest is the Sod (secret). At this level, we understand that our Tefilot (prayers) and the accomplishment of each one of the Mitsvot (commandments), has a direct influence on the superior worlds and on their guidance.

The Torah has 248 positive and 365 negative commandments. Similarly, there are 613 veins and bones to man, 613 parts to the soul, and 613 lights in each Sephira or Partsuf (configuration), this number is not arbitrary, as there are important interrelations and interactions between them.

Through the knowledge of Kabbalah, we can get to a level of true understanding of the will of the Creator, and in a way “decode” the profound secrets of our holy Torah.

Sunday, 01 March 2020 / Published in Kabbalah FAQ

The essential knowledge is the one of the will of the Creator and His ways of guidance in this existence, as explained in the Kabbalah. The other writings explain in the least details “how” to do, but only the Zohar and the Kabbalah explain to us the exact reasons, and effects of all our prayers and actions.

I believe that most yearn to serve at their best the Creator, but have been accustomed to execute and not seek further, or were kept away from this knowledge. It is now time to know and learn and make known this magnificent science, as it is written and recommended .

Sunday, 01 March 2020 / Published in Kabbalah FAQ

It is the “other” type of Kabbalah, where names or combinations of names of angels are used with special signs or incantations, sometimes written on parchment, to invoke particular powers and alter normal states of events. It is also called magic

By writing various permutation of letters or names of angels, one could make these superior forces act according to his will. There is danger of using these names without a proper preparation and a good knowledge of their forces and limits.