Sunday, 01 March 2020 / Published in Kabbalah FAQ

This decree was canceled about 450 years ago, as it was confirmed and written by Rav Avraham Azulay :

“What was decreed from above; not to study the Kabbalah openly, was for a limited time only, until the end of the year 5260 . From there and after, it was allowed, and from the year 5300 it was decreed that it is a “Mitsvah” (commandment). (Or Ha’Hamah, introduction).

Also two of the most important Kabbalists of all times; the Ari Z’al and the Ram’hal started very young as they both died before the age of forty

Sunday, 01 March 2020 / Published in Kabbalah FAQ

All the rabbinical authorities have always agreed on the ultimate importance and truthfulness of the Kabbalah, they just did not agree on the way this knowledge should be disseminated. Some insisted that only a very selective group should be allowed to learn Kabbalah, and only after attaining a high level of purity and comprehension of all the other writings.

Others believed that it should be more accessible and taught to most Jews. During the 16th century with the coming of Shabbetai Tsevi who was called the “Kabbalistic Messiah”, the Jewish community was divided between his followers and the “non-believers”. After converting to Islam, this false Messiah caused a big deception and mistrust in the teachings of the Kabbalah. The rabbinical authorities of the time became even more severe with the learning of Kabbalah and some were even persecuted for learning or writing on the subject

Sunday, 01 March 2020 / Published in Kabbalah FAQ

The word Kabbalah comes from the verb Lekabel (to receive), but to receive it is first necessary to be prepared, and to be a Keli (recipient) able to receive and contain this knowledge.

A Kabbalist is a person who is accepted to receive this knowledge, and is able to hold it by living in the path of Torah and rightness to strengthen himself constantly. He is a spiritual person who will give utmost importance to the higher meaning of things, and continually try to advance in his learning. For him, the main goal of this existence is to get closer to the Creator and serve him to the best of his possibilitie

Sunday, 01 March 2020 / Published in Kabbalah FAQ

Firstly, to understand what is expected of me, how I can better accomplish His commandments, the purpose of my prayers and actions.

Secondly, to get closer to my creator by learning His ways, and understanding the different emanations of His lights and powers in this world, and the others.

Thirdly, to “connect” with G-od, by deepening my understanding of His presence and manifestation in this existence, to have a fuller spiritual life and find meaning to our lives.

Through the knowledge of Kabbalah, one can get to a level of true understanding, and in a way “decode” the profound secrets of this existence as found in our holy Torah.